Photography, Lifestyle Zafira Ahmed Photography, Lifestyle Zafira Ahmed

My First Exhibition | Zafira



So a few days ago, I had my work exhibited for the very first time! As part of a group exhibition by me and my MA group, we showed off some work we did as part of an assignment last term under the theme ‘Collisions’.

I wasn’t planning on doing a blog post on this hence the non-blogger-last-minute-pictures but I thought it would be fun to explain more about the meaning and context behind my work and even a little bit about my working progress.


A lot of research went into this. It’s the first time I’ve completely finished a photography project, well when I say finished I mean have at least 90% satisfaction with the final product.

It all started off with family pictures from the 70-90s. I spend so much time flicking through family albums, I knew I had to use them in my project in someway or other.

The photographs that stood out most were definitely the portraits, especially the ones taken in studios. It’s crazy how my family used to go to a studio and get these regal, professional shots taken of them against the most extravagant backgrounds. My favourite had to be this one of my dad’s aunt and uncle which you’ll see eventually inspired the entire colour scheme of my project.

I also found myself delving quite deeply into theoretical concepts in photography, it might have been because I was taking a critical studies class at the time but I have always loved reading about anthropological concepts.

The main concept I focused on was Edward Soja’s theory of photographic space and its relation to this idea of the ‘other’. I was looking at the impact of the colonial gaze as well as Edward Said’s take on orientalism. I recommend looking into all these concepts because they give you such an clear understanding on how the West impacted colonised people, their countries and even their way of life post-colonisation.

(the faces are blurred out for privacy reasons and it’s watermarked because it’s from my dad’s very extensive family archive)



So I did quite a few test shoots for this, you might have seen a few of this pictures over on my Instagram but it was so much fun dressing up and shooting myself in different styles.

Ultimately, I knew I wanted to portray a balance between my two cultures; my Western life here in the UK but then also my roots back in Bangladesh and then also tie back in orientalism and it’s impact on my generation of Bangladeshis.

In these photographs you can see one very ‘modern’ style of South Asian style but then the other is a very traditional look. I knew after shooting these 2 different sets, that for my final, I’d want to represent both somehow.

My set up started off with my mum’s old sarees, I love a good classic katan saree. They’ve always felt so decadent to me. I loved the creases and the folds and the way that mirrored the folds in the clothing I was wearing. I liked how these turned out but it didn’t feel exciting enough to me.


These are my pre-final-set of images I guess you’d call them? Well those personally, gave me the ick towards myself as a photographer because of how hazy and foggy and messy they look but they were so pivotal in the creation of my final set so I had to include these in here. I was playing around with lens filters and different editing styles and it did not work out how I wanted to but at least now I had a clear image of what I wanted for my final set.

I wanted to go back to that family portrait and figure out how I could recreate the colours because that’s one thing that made me fall in love with it and the backdrop too. However. getting a backdrop anywhere close to the one in the original picture would have broke my bank account. I looked at other options too like printing a photograph of Bangladesh onto material and then using that but that too was just way out of my budget.

I was like okay, where can I get a large amount of fabric for cheap? And then it came to me, a bedsheet. I got this during the boxing day sales on Amazon for £7 and it’s amazing. It’s quite a matte material which was a gem not only photographing but even when it came to printing later on.


final project.

I ended refining my pre-final-set and made the quality much more clean and refined. I decided to focus on paan and the whole paan eating process as in a few of the pictures, you’ll see my skirt is actually printed in gold paan leaves. (my skirt is handmade!!!)

It fit into the whole “Lost in Tradition’ title because paan is something I eat a little too regularly after I’ve finished a meal. It’s a tradition I’ve carried on even though I’ve grown up around such a Western environment. I was playing around with the nut cracker in the pre-final set and it was pretty interesting having that contrast between the metal and the bright colours.

I shot this in my kitchen for optimal natural lighting in the 1 hour of bright light we get during the winter in the UK and it worked out so well. I found shooting slightly underexposed but with a medium or large raw file really malleable in my editing process. Yes, there was a some of noise because of this but it added some amazing texture and film like feel to the pictures.

If you press the ‘click here’ button on the image above, you can see all the photographs :)


Overall, I think I’m happy with how they turned out. The printing process was so cool too, I got my prints done at Come Through Lab in Ancoats and they did such a great job.

A big big thank you to everyone who came and saw my work whilst it was being exhibited. I don’t think I’ve ever truly felt like a real photographer until I saw other people looking at my work up on the walls.

Here’s me looking like a baby in front of my work.

I’ll be releasing some prints within the next week so keep an eye out over on Instagram if you want to get your hands on some!

Thanks for reading,

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Fashion, Lifestyle Zafira Ahmed Fashion, Lifestyle Zafira Ahmed

The Ultimate Guide to Clearing Out Your Wardrobe | Zafira

I will admit, I have a lot of clothes and finding the perfect system to organise them has taken me a while but I think I’ve finally got the hang of it. I get a looooooot of questions anytime I post that I’m organising my wardrobe over on my Instagram stories so I thought I’d answer them all on here and add a few tips on how I keep my wardrobe organised and tidy.


waiting for everyone to get triggered by my mismatching hangers hehe

waiting for everyone to get triggered by my mismatching hangers hehe

I have a wardrobe that’s definitely on the smaller side and I always get questions on how I fit everything in it since I have a pretty hefty amount of clothes. A few years ago, I found that the best method to fitting everything into my wardrobe was by organising my wardrobe seasonally. Now, yes, I am very aware of the extremely bipolar weather in the UK so a good 70% of the time, the weather isn’t what it should be during a certain time of year but I like to keep a basic gist of what I would wear during the current season. For example:

  • Autumn: Light knit jumpers, shirts, thinner coats & jackets, midi skirts, turtle necks etc.

  • Winter: Heavy knit jumpers, bigger coats, thicker pants etc.

  • Summer: Cardigans, light weight jackets, culottes, jumpsuits, thinner material dresses etc.

  • Spring: Lighter coats & jackets, usually more thicker material dresses & light knit etc.

So you’re probably like, “where do you put your out of season clothes?” and the answer is pretty simple. In storage.

Your two new best friends after this post will be these big plastic storage bins and vacuum storage bags. You can get them in so many different sizes so they’re perfect for sliding under your bed, or or in drawers or if it’s something you’re not going to wear for a while then even the attic. It’s the best way for me to still have a range of clothes but not clutter and overfill my wardrobe. I get mine either from Ikea or Amazon, check some out here:



The first thing to do when organising your wardrobe is to begin by emptying everything in it. I think it really helps when you can visually see how much you own and makes it easier to decide what you want to keep or get rid of. A key tip to remember when doing this is to clear your wardrobe on a day when half your wardrobe isn’t in the wash. There’s nothing more devastating than thinking you’ve cleared your wardrobe and it looking all pretty and tidy just to realise you have a billion more pieces to fit in somehow.

3. create piles to organise what you want to keep or sell

When all my clothes are out of my wardrobe, I like to sort them into 3 piles different piles: keep, sell/donate & throw away. I have a rule where if I haven’t worn something in over 2 months, I have to get rid of it. This helps with filtering out clothes I don’t want and also makes more space for new purchases. If you’re someone like me and like to shop frequently, this is such a good rule to have because it allows you to add new pieces to your wardrobe without completely over filling it.

A few months ago, my cousin told me that she was keeping track of what she was wearing by keeping note of her outfits on her calendar app. Ever since she told me this it’s honestly changed by life. I can easily see what I have been wearing and it 100% has helped with clearing out my wardrobe too because I can see what isn’t being worn.

When it comes getting rid of clothes I no longer want, I will either donate them to closest charity shop or sell over on Depop.(follow me!) I’ve been using Depop for yeeaaaars now and I adore it. I sell everything on there and it’s played a massive role in helping keeping my wardrobe clear.


I think a lot of people forget about asking others for help but there’s nothing more fun clearing out your wardrobe with your friends. It’s very very useful to get a second or third opinion especially if you’re on the border about keeping something or not.


When you organise your wardrobe, of course you want it to look pretty in the end and want it to look like all those Pinterest pictures when the clothes are in rainbow order and all your clothes fade into the next piece and look very cute. However, when it comes to practicality, this method kinda sucks. Unless you’re a super duper organised person and always put everything back in it’s place straight after you’ve used it then I can promise you that this isn’t the method for you.

I’ve tried so many different methods over the years but the best one that’s worked for me is organising my clothes into what article of clothing they are. So I usually go from jackets/coats to Asian dresses to cardigans to jumpers to dresses to shirts and then to tops. Kind of a random order but this is what works for me at the minute. I also keep items I wear frequently towards the front of my wardrobe so they’re easier to get such as the jacket I’m wearing currently. Play around with different methods until you find one that fits in perfectly with you and your lifestyle.



Ultimately, the ideal way to keep your wardrobe clear is by shopping less which is much easier said than done. However with everything that’s going on now with fast fashion, I think it’s really important to try and make somewhat of an effort to stop impulsively shopping and buying things we don’t need just to then throw away when we no longer want it.

I try to remind myself that empty hangers don’t equal more reasons to shop and that I already have plenty of clothes to fit my everyday needs. I’m also trying to up-cycle a bunch of older pieces into things I would wear today. (blog post coming soon!)

Thanks for reading and good luck with clearing out your wardrobe!

Lots of love,

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Lifestyle Zafira Ahmed Lifestyle Zafira Ahmed

We have a new home! (and a new name) | Zafira


I’m happy to say after a months off, I’m back and better than ever.


a new space for us

I started my blog over on Blogger around 2014/15 and for the longest time, it felt like the perfect place to host my site. It was what all the bloggers where using back in the blogger days so I didn’t question or fault it. However, in the past year or so, it felt like a really outdated platform to be hosting my blog. I tried lots of different templates but they never looked like anything I wanted my little space on the internet to look like.

I tried a few other sites too such as Wix, Wordpress and so many more but Squarespace was the only site I felt like was a flexible and easy to manage platform for someone who has no idea how computers or anything within that topic works.

So this is where you’ll find me and all my stuff!


A new name (well not really but you get the point)

I’ve lost count of the amount of times I’ve changed my blog name at this point. I thought I’d keep The Zafira Edit for a while but after a few months it felt too ‘bloggery’. It felt like I had to sit and write about what makeup I was loving that month when I’ve literally been using the same stuff for about 2 years now.

What I’m trying to say is, I was looking for a name that suited me and who I am at this moment in time and what better name than my own? Something simple and something that will always be constant no matter how much me and content changes.

My content will change a bit too over the next couple of months. I don’t want to only write about what clothes I’m wearing or what products I’m using but about current topics, more cultural and opinionated pieces too.

Thanks for being patient and I hope you enjoy all the new content I’ll be posting!

Lots of love,



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Beauty, Lifestyle Zafira Beauty, Lifestyle Zafira

February Favourites 2019 | Zafira


I have no idea how it's March but February has flown so so so much quicker than January. Now that Spring is finally coming our way (and climate change), I've had a chance to not only switch out my winter items and products but also purchase some new bits and pieces which have changed my life.

Here are my favourites for Feb!



I feel like makeup is a very chronological place to start since February turned out to be my month of breakouts. Literally, the day the months changed I broke out like there was no tomorrow and it was extremely unfortunate especially because we had a big family wedding coming up mid-Feb. My breakouts did calm down by then but not enough to just wear foundation like I usually do. 

I've never been into concealer because I hate the way it feels but this is so different and feels extremely light. I even started wearing concealer under my eyes too which is something I never do and it's been life-changing. 

I usually use the darker shade (C12.5) kind of all over, on my scars and under my eyes. Then I go in with the lighter shade to highlight because I now think I'm an MUA, I'll use this on my forehead, a tiny bit under the eyes and on my chin. For £4, you definitely cannot go wrong with this.

Buy it here:



Glitter is something I like to keep my distance from because once you touch it never leaves you. However, I decided to go extreme for this family wedding and just spice up my go-to gold eyeshadow look with a dash of glitter and I'm so glad I did because my eyeshadow was dazzling in all the pics I took!

I swatched this NYX Foil Play in Boots and was a bit taken back because it was just super glittery. Not like chunky glitter, kind of like a gold eyeshadow but with millions of tiny flecks of gold glitter. I did use gold eyeshadow as a base for extra pigment and then used a thin layer of the glitter primer (worked absolute wonders) and then applied the glitter.

me and tasu.jpg

My eyeshadow was on until 3am I can 100% assure you that this glitter and primer combo are amazing. 

Buy it here:



I ended up throwing away a lot of makeup at the beginning of the year either because it was old or just not worn enough. I'm really trying to minimalise my makeup collection because realistically, how much makeup can you possibly wear? I'm trying to purchase things that either have multi purposes or things I know I will defo wear on a day to day basis. 

This lipstick from & Other Stories is 1. super pretty but also 2. so versatile. I will wear this either full on with a brown lip liner and use a little bit of loose powder to matte it down the slightest bit or I will apply it in a very thin layer to get that 'swollen lip' look and if I'm feeling a bit adventurous that day, I might even add a lipgloss on top.

I can't find the specific shade of lipstick I mentioned but I would definitely recommend having a browse through their lip products and see what catches your eye!:



Now listen, paying any more than £5 for a l o o s e  p o w d e r is ridiculous. But this, this is a game changer. My face? Not cakey. It's smooth, airbrushed and just nice to look at. I may have just become a broke student again but it was completely worth it.

That's all I have to say about this.

Buy it here:



This kind of counts are two favourites but I didn't take two separate pics for them (whoops). I bought these khaki pants and jacket from Zara on two separate occasions and when clearing out my wardrobe these two items just found their way together. They were just laid on my bed next to each other and I was like wow wait hold on this is actually a great outfit and this is how I ended up creating what I have decided is my most coordinated outfit yet.

Unfortunately, the pants and jacket aren't available anymore but here's some good alternatives...





Skincare has been a bit tricky this month since I had such a crappy breakout but this has really helped. I've been using products to dry out my spots so stuff like the Mario Badescu drying lotion and Sudocrem (weird yes but it works so well!!) and to somewhat combat the dryness after my spots have gone, I've been using this twice a day.

It's important to use this before a moisturiser in order for it to work properly, so in the mornings I'll use this with my GlamGlow Glowstarter Mega Illuminating Moisturiser and then in the night with Bio Oil. It's wonderful and so inexpensive. 

Buy it here:



I'm quite a picky person when it comes to perfume. I'm not a fan of overpowering perfumes or like extremely floral ones. I always look for something that smells clean, comforting and something you'd sniff and be like 'hm that's nice'. 

It lasts all day and isn't too strong but strong enough for people to compliment me on my scent. I think & Other Stories have such a good range of fragrances and it's not really somewhere you'd expect to be selling such high quality perfumes. A very unexpected but well-loved favourite this month!

Buy it here:



I'd be lying if I said I've been wearing these a lot but I only got them a few days ago but they already make me drool so so so much. Lovisa is such an underrated shop with the prettiest jewelry ever. I saw this and cried for a few minutes and somehow found my feet dragging me to the till and my hands pulling out my debit card. It all happened so fast but I'm dying to wear these. I might just be


person and wear them to uni this week.

Buy them here:



The Lush Rosejam bubbleroon has changed my zen Sundays massively. Every Sunday, I take time to myself and relax. I'll run a bath, put a facemask (or about 4) on and just chill. It's become a part of my weekly schedule and I treasure it.

I bought this because it was pink and sparkly. I hate that I'm


person but it caught my eye and I'm so glad that it did. It smells so lovely and just clean and floral. Did I mention it turns your bath water pink?????? yes pls.

Buy it here:



Words cannot explain my love these shoes! If you haven't heard me speaking about these whether it's in real life or over on my Instagram then you must have been living under a rock for the entirety of Feb. 

On one of my many trips to TK Maxx, I found myself wandering through the shoe section (mainly disappointed because nothing exciting usually pops up in the size 3 section) and found these pretty things. My shoe knowledge is quite limited so I have no idea what these are called or where you can even get your hands on a pair like these but they're just wow.

Pink and velvet is a combo I never thought I needed until now. I thought they would be quite difficult to style but they fit right into my wardrobe so well and match so many of my outfits. These have truly made not only my year but just my entire existence overall.

Thanks for reading this post! If you want to see more like this please let me know :)



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Lifestyle Zafira Lifestyle Zafira

New Years Resolutions 2019 | Zafira



 So here we are, another year gushed down the drain quicker than anyone expected. But I guess that happens every year, time flies when you're having fun (or you're just used to the same old boring, repetitive routine everyday).

Anyway, I've been contemplating whether I even wanted to post a New Year's Resolution this year because let's be honest, no one really sticks to them. But, since reflecting on the year has become sort of tradition on here for me, I thought that I would stick to it and tell you all about everything I failed at doing in 2018 (literally everything) and what I intend to improve on in 2019.

A new year is just like a brand new notebook, I'm bursting with ideas to jot down and things to do. It's a new slate, an opportunity for you to do all those things you said that you'd do later. Now is the time.

do you ever just want to punch yourself really hard in the face

Oh my god. I cause myself so much stress and anxiety just by naming files really stupid things. It's something I've wanted to improve on for a while so let's see if I finally get a grip in 2019 so I can actually find the files I'm looking for without causing premature ageing.

I'd say I have a very varied and wide wardrobe which is kind of great because I don't have a set style and I love that I can push and alter boundaries to fit the style and look of whatever I'm feeling. However, saying that I have an extensive wardrobe would be great if I actually wore stuff from it and not the same pair of jeans 3 days in a row.

Getting dressed used to be the highlight of my day but now I feel like it's become boring because I don't excite myself by picking new and challenging outfits. I always have that little voice in my head saying

'What will people think?' 

but I think it's time we get rid of that voice because I probably look a solid 11/10 in whatever I'm wearing :)

Also, sustainability is something that has recently become a very important factor in my life. The fashion industry is one of the most polluting industries in the world and I'd really like to not play a big part in ruining world.

Well this one is going to difficult. I spend a lot of time complaining and overthinking and just seeing the negative in things. I guess I see it as being 'realistic' but being realistic doesn't always mean being the biggest b*tch and buzz kill ever. In 2019, I'm becoming positive Penny.

I have a week till I get back to uni and if I'm being 100% honest with you, I've done close to nothing which is stressing me out a tiny bit since I have 2 deadlines when I get back. I would like to not die of a heart attack at 19 so I think I should start doing things ahead of time and be organised. Maybe I'll start planning things in advance and just really get my sh*t together.

There was once a time where I would read a book a day and maybe even paint, draw even spend time outside (shocking i know) but it seems like these days, I don't do any of that. I've been collecting books that I've wanted to read this entire year. I love books so I think it's time they make a comeback into my life.

Also, there's a reason I suffered through fine art in my first year of college, I adore art. I have always loved creating whether it's drawing or painting or even doodling. I'd draw on literally everything but I don't even do that anymore. I feel like I need to get back in touch with my inner child because that's when I remember having so much fun and really enjoying life because I was doing what I loved.

I feel like every Instagrammer falls into this mindset where they start off posting the stuff they like and the work they enjoyed creating and then somewhere within that, this fear develops that their followers are not enjoying what they are posting so they starting posting stuff that their followers want to see or the stuff that gets the most attention.

I have definitely felt this way and it's affected my photography work a lot. The way in which I work and create my best work happens when don't overthink it and don't think about the outcome of the photograph but the present. The moment in which the photograph was taken.

In 2018, the first thing on my mind was ' is this good enough for Instagram? ' and I found this altering and even ruining some of my work. The only work I have really loved this year is my film shots of Wales.

I hope that in 2019, my photography work gets better and I start posting more things that I like. Maybe even some cool projects.

*wink wink*

I want to finish this post off with the biggest thank you. I started this blog in 2015 not thinking that anything would come of it but it has become such a big part of my life. I feel like this year things are taking off in a direction I didn't really expect  my blog to go in but I am so happy nonetheless.

Thank you to everyone who takes the time to read my blog. It truly means a lot. I hope everyone's 2019 is the best year of their lives.



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Lifestyle Zafira Lifestyle Zafira

Why I Stopped Reading My Horoscope | Zafira


I hate to do this but disclaimer:

I know a lot of people will take what I have to say the wrong way and may not agree with everything I have to say. I have and will always respect and listen to what you have to say and value your opinions as I would like you to value my own. Everything in this post is about my own personal experience. This is not me telling you to stop reading your horoscope. I wanted to share this because when I've spoken to people about this before, it has risen an interesting topic of discussion.

As a cancer, my personality is said to be often ruled by my feelings and emotions which is very true. It's how my relationship with horoscopes blossomed.

I remember seeing horoscopes in those cringey teen magazines that I would always die to buy just to get the 'free' makeup but other than that, horoscopes didn't really impact or show up in my life at all for a while. I guess you could say my horoscope 'journey' began about a year ago in my second year of college.

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I think it happens with a lot of second year college students but life just hits you out of nowhere. It becomes stressful and somewhat unbearable. I was applying for unis and attempting to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. This was such a quick changing period of my life and I didn't know how to handle it whatsoever. Things were changing everyday and I couldn't deal with it. I felt overwhelmed and the idea of an unpredictable and near future made me wanna poop my pants quite a bit.

It started off with occasionally checking my horoscope on Snapchat but I was shocked at how accurate it was and ended up downloading an app specifically for it and thus began my very unhealthy relationship with horoscopes. I felt comforted by my horoscope. It was like someone was whispering to me in my ear and telling me how my day was going to be. In a time of uncertainty, this is certainly what I thought I needed.

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I didn't realise how infatuated I became with my horoscope until exam season. I think I forgot to read my horoscope for like a week because I was so busy. It eventually hit me that I forgot and I immediately began to think that my week was terrible because I felt unprepared for it. I remember someone asking me how my week was and I told them it was terrible and when they asked why I replied with 'I didn't check my horoscope this week'. I got into bed that day and I felt extremely stupid for saying that.

I was trying to understand why I felt so crappy when my week my was pretty good. I was just annoyed that I could have been more ready for the week if I had just checked my horoscope. Maybe I could have dealt with people better, maybe I could have been more motivated, maybe I could have found the love of my life, maybe I could have been happier? I was so used to knowing what was going to happen and how I was going to feel and deal with situations that in someways, I forgot how to well, really deal with them. I wasn't allowing myself to deal with these things on the spot and on the go that when something would happen that wasn't in my horoscope, I didn't know how to react.

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I ended up deleting my horoscope after that week and gave into the unexpected because that is what makes life so great and also not. But I've realised that you need a balance of good things and bad things in life to learn from. I needed that element of surprise in a way to have a healthy mindset rather than being like 'my horoscope says my moods are low today so I'm gonna sit and mope around all day'.

If you're someone like me, the element of surprise is pretty scary and it's completely fine to be scared. Life can be a bit frightening sometimes. I don't like feeling unprepared for the day which is why me and my horoscope became such good bffs. But you have to learn to let the reins loose bit by bit and truly let yourself go and live life not listening to someone or something telling you how your day is going to be, but telling yourself that today is going to be a good day.

Thanks for reading!



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Lifestyle Zafira Lifestyle Zafira

4 Self Care Tips for Uni | Zafira



It's September and you know what that means, back to school season (ew). It's a sad season for most of us except from those of you who weirdly enjoy going back to school, college or uni. I start my very first year of uni soon and I'm absolutely not prepared for it whatsoever.

I thought the best place to start with all this uni prep stuff is to make a guide focusing on self care. I desperately need it and I'm guessing you will too since it's definitely one of those things we always forget. Self care plus the stress and chaos of school life can be quite tricky and sometimes it's pretty hard to remember to care of yourself when you're drowning in books and work but with these few tips I'm hoping to make the whole process a lot easier.

No.1: Make a Schedule & Make Sometime for Yourself

When you hear the word 'schedule' it doesn't sound relaxing at all but it's one of the key things you need in place to make sure you have time for yourself throughout the week. On a certain day throughout the week such as a Sunday, section off a couple of hours to do something you really enjoy or something calming. This could range from taking a bath and having a few hours to pamper yourself or letting yourself divulge into your fave show on Netflix. Whatever you like. This time is for you and what you like.

No.2: Take Care of your Health

I don't want to be a cliche and tell you to sign up for some lame gym membership to get your self into better shape and and only eat fruit and veg for the rest of your entire life because let's be real who wants to do that? The only things I can really make myself do is drinking enough water and just walking wherever and whenever is possible. I'm a pretty lazy person but even doing that is better than doing nothing at all. Try to take a water bottle (not plastic pls the turtles are dying) with you in your bag and drink it whenever you're feeling thirsty opposed to a sugary drink. It'll make such a difference with your skin and health. 

I know we're talking about physical health here but mental health is also extremely important especially to those of you who are moving away for uni. It may seem a bit lonely and you may feel as if there's no one there for you talk to but your school/college/uni will offer a range of resources to help you if you need it.

This is also pretty useful to read.

No.3: Make Some Pals & Socialise

This is probably the part I'm dreading the most because I'm kind of shy when you first meet me and the whole introduction part of making new friends is always so so so scary. However, I'm trying to overlook that this year and at least attempt to try and say hello and hi to a few people to make some pals that will hopefully last a lifetime. If you're starting uni, they have so many different clubs and societies for you to join so it makes the process a little less difficult. I think it will be so cool to find friends with a lot of similar interests to me.

No.4: Sleep & Re-Fueling

I am the worst when it comes to sleeping during academic periods. I don't know whether it's just stress or what but my sleeping schedule goes flying out of the window. I think this is probably one thing I'm going to really try and get into order this year because lack of sleep has the biggest effect on everything. It effects your work, your health, your skin and so much more. Something really interesting to try would be a sleep tracker of some sort to figure out how much sleep you're getting every day and go from there. In tip no.1 I was saying to make time for yourself and this massively includes re-fueling and just getting enough rest.

I hope your academic year is amazing!

Lots of love,



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Lifestyle Zafira Lifestyle Zafira

A Long Hiatus, Summer, Prepping for Uni & an Update | Zafira


Hi guys!

It's been quite a while since I've posted anything here simply due to this summer being the busiest one I've had yet. We have 1 day left of August and I cannot believe how fast this summer has flown by but I have loved every minute of it. I took a bit of a break over on my Instagram too which is very much needed but I'll explain more about that later on throughout this post.

This summer began in the most exciting and breathtaking manner as me and family headed down to North Wales for a little holiday at the end of June and I have quite a few posts about that on here. You can check them out by clicking on the following links:

I loved our holiday and it was needed desperately since me and family had a wild, chaotic but amazing summer ahead of us.

July and August were mainly spent on preparing for my cousin's wedding which took up the majority of summer. It my eldest cousin's wedding so it was the first out of the kid's generation which is just so so so weird. I still think my cousin is about 15 and I'm 8 years old dying to borrow her Jacqueline Wilson books. Her wedding was beautiful, it was insanely busy but I loved it. I'm posting a little collage of photographs I took the wedding period over on my Instagram.

And then in the midst of that I've been doing all the boring University stuff like finances and bank accounts. All the stuff that adults usually do but since I'm now legally an adult it's my turn to take over which is very very sad. I start uni in about 3 weeks and I'm so excited but also 100% ready to poop my pants. I'm going to start doing a lot of student based posts very soon so make sure you stay tuned for that!

Lastly, for the past two weeks or so me, my mum and brother decided to take a break over in London after the wedding to just relax, explore and see some family. It was the perfect way to end my summer. However, my phone unexpectedly died the moment I got of the train and set my foot on overly polluted and busy grounds of London. It was quite the tragedy and I then found myself phone-less and disconnected from the online world for nearly 2 weeks. My phone was on it's last legs but it's been that way for a good year and it could have not picked a worse time to die. It's so weird being in one of busiest and liveliest cities without a phone. Anyway, this meant I couldn't really update on Instagram so I took this situation and turned it into a good thing. I think sometimes social media can all get a bit too much so having this break really helped me figure out where I'm going with all this stuff and figure out a path. 

I think that's a good summary of everything I wanted to update you all on. I'm sorry I've been a bit M.I.A this summer but I'll be back to normal from this post onward.

Lots of love,



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Lifestyle, Entertainment Zafira Lifestyle, Entertainment Zafira

Wales Video FAQ | Zafira



So if you've been following me on my social media, you'd know that a few weeks ago I made and posted a little video montage of my weekend away to Wales and ever since I've had so many questions about it so I thought I'd answer them all on here.

I've seen quite a few videos in the film and 'Super 8' style and I completely adore them. I love the grain and nostalgia feeling behind them. I wanted to replicate that with my montage of Wales because this was the very first time my entire family had gone away together and it was one of those things I know we'll look back at for the rest of our lives. It was most definitely a trip to remember. I wanted it to have that sort of home video-y feel to it but also still be something very visually appealing. I used the song 'Fear of the Water' by Syml because if you know me very well then you'd know I have this weird relation with water. I can't swim so large amounts of water are a big no no but I adore the sea and the ocean and everything that comes with it. I was listening to it on the way to Wales and it's what really spurted the idea of this video.

Okay so the most asked question is how did I get it looking like I shot on film or on a Super 8 camera? A lot of people have also asked what camera I used but my secret really is Adobe Premiere. I am a student so even affording something like Super 8 camera is ridiculous without even thinking about getting the film developed which is another huge dip in the bank so using Adobe Premiere and achieving something that looks pretty authentic was amazing. I just started off my filming with my DSLR and then imported it into Premiere, cropped it into a square shape, added a dash of grain, lowered the contrast, increased the saturation and added the film reel sound and I was good to go. You can even get away with filming with your phone and anything really, the quality of the video isn't really as important because when the overlays and grain and stuff are added on top, the overall quality lowers.

I used two videos I found on YouTube to overlay and help create a perfect and central square shape and to add effects and here they are:

This first one helped to create those orangey/pink hues that appeared spontaneously which is common when using film.

And then the second one is what I used to get the square shape. I wasn't sure on how to get the rounded corners so that's why I stuck with the square. I didn't really like the effects on this so I used as a stencil and guide of where to place each clip and then ended up only keeping the audio from this.

I watched quite a few YouTube tutorials to help which were really handy but when it comes to doing the little things like altering colours and such it's pretty much up to your personal preferance. I added a slight yellow tint to emphasize that nostalgic feel and then a handwritten title and subtitle. I got a lot of questions about that too, some people thought it was a font but it's just my crappy handwriting lol. I used a graphics tablet which is actually my little brothers but it's become very handy for me so we'll just say it's mine. I used Photoshop and started off with a black landscape A4 sized document and wrote in yellow. I used a black background because when you usually insert titles in Premiere the background is always black anyway.

Here's the most helpful YouTube tutorial that I found:

The last thing I had a loooot of questions about was where this was filmed and as you can probably tell from the title, it was filmed in Wales but more specifically in the small town on Pemaenmawr alongside Llandudno and Snowdonia. They are amazing places to photograph (click here to check out my 'Wales on Film' post) and film because it feels so calm and serene. It's so beautiful to be out in nature and be surrounded by beaches and hills and mountains which is something I tried to capture in my video.

I plan to do a lot more of these because I adore making them, it's so much fun to film and make so make sure you follow my social media to find out when and where I release my next video!

Lots of love,


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Changes | Zafira

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It feels like forever since the last time I blogged but I'm back and better than ever!

A couple of days ago, I finished college. It's crazy that these past two years have flown past. I can't even fathom how quickly time has gone by. There were times where days felt like years, especially over the past couple of months with exams but to think I start Uni in September is insane.

I have to say in all my years in education, college has most definitely been the best and worst two years of life. I had never been under so much pressure or stress to complete deadlines and work but alongside all of this, I developed as a person and found myself coming more and more out of my shell.

And that's all down to everyone I've met or became friends with at college. When starting, you don't realise how many new people you will meet. I think I got put into so many classes where people didn't come from my high school so I had no choice but to make new friends and I'm so glad that I did. I love that I had this opportunity to meet so many different people with so many different personalities and characteristics which has not only helped me embrace who I am but helped me make friends that I know I'll be friends with for many years to come.

I'd love to say I loved every moment of college but I didn't. There were so many moments where I felt as if it all got too much and I just didn't want to be there anymore and I think this is something that everyone at college can relate with. Sometimes the amount of pressure put on you is unmanageable but I'm glad that I stayed throughout the course of two years. I found that this helped so much with building my tolerance for stress and most importantly, patience with myself.

And now it's all over. Two years of memories and chaos all built up to two weeks straight of exams and now I'm done and I've become a free woman. I'm more than ready to see what the future holds. I think change has always been perceived as something uncomfortable and scary and yes it is those things. But I think change is mostly good, without it everyone would be so bored of their lives. I know I definitely would be. I can't wait to see what Uni has to offer and what sort of person I grow in to.

To anyone who is reading this from college, thank you for making the last two years very very very liveable, exciting and just overall amazing.

Lots of love,


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Fashion, Lifestyle Zafira Fashion, Lifestyle Zafira

What's in My Bag? | Zafira



I think that one of the very first YouTube beauty guru-esque videos I watched was a 'What's in My Bag' and I think I've been dying to do one ever since. A couple of months ago, I was kindly gifted the most beautiful satchel from MAHI Leather and ever since then, I've been using it pretty much everyday.

This has been my life saver since mid November. It fits everything I could possibly need for a busy day at college or even shooting. This is the Harvard Satchel in black. I decided on black because I knew that it would match my outfits a lot better than brown. It has a small compartment at the front where I dump stuff that I need easy access to so my bus pass, keys etc. It has a small zipped compartment at the back which I use occasionally but it's mainly full of receipts. Inside, there's so much space I'm sure I could fit a small child in there. It has two big compartments and then a little zipped compartment which I use for some back up film rolls, SD cards and anything else along those lines.

Here's a shot of it on film, I think it truly helps to fulfill the whole photographer aesthetic I'm aiming for. (and it matches my Doc Martens so well!)

Here's a few things I carry on a daily basis...

1. Lip balm

I don't think I ever leave the house without lip balm, even if I don't have a bag with me I'll usually slip one in my pocket. This is the watermelon flavoured lip balm from Oliver Bonas. It's smells so good, like if summer had a scent, this would totally be it. It's has such a good consistency and looks super adorable. It's my perfect lip balm.

I can only find the pomegranate one online so you can buy that here:

2. Film Camera

I'm trying to get into the habit of carrying a camera around to capture memories, moments and anything cool and exciting really. I've been in love with this baby for so long now I can never seem to leave the house without it anymore. This is the Canon 300 and it most likely has a roll of the Fujifilm Superia 200 in it. I adore film. I finish college in a few weeks and I've just been trying to capture moments with my friends and they're just somewhat more special when I take them on film.

3. Lipsticks (usually about 20 shoved into the front pocket)

I don't really touch up on my makeup throughout the day but the one thing I will end up re-applying a couple of times a day is lipstick. I drink coffee a lot and my lipstick usually rubs off on the coffee cups so I'll always have a nice selection of lipsticks to re-apply. Here I have NYX Soft Matte Lip Creams in Rome and Budapest, Barry M Lip Paint in Genie which I don't even think I've worn yet and then an old Nina Ricci lipstick that is ancient but the colour is too pretty to throw away.

4. Mirror & Keys

This vintage mirror was actually given to me for free at a car boot sale. it's really pretty and I just love vintage items. I carry a mirror because I can't stop staring at myself and my keys are quite self explanatory. I need to them to get in and out of my house.

5. Purse

This bright mustard purse was a completely random purchase. I needed a purse so I went to TK Maxx and this Visconti purse caught my eye and I impulsively ended up buying it. I'm usually not a bright colour wearing person but something about this purse really captured my gaze.

6. Body Mist

I enjoy smelling nice so I'll have a couple of random body mists or sprays in my bag. I'm not a huge fan of carrying perfume bottles around just because they're so bulky and I'm always scared they're going to end up breaking and spilling all over my work. This So...? body mist in Fresh Floral is just a very cheap body mist I picked up in Superdrug to throw into my bag. Considering it cost under £2, it smells amazing and so clean and fresh which is something I'm always looking for in a scent.

7. Bobby Pins

The bottom of my bag consists of so many of these. No matter how hard I try to be organised and put them into little bags or pouches, they always end up escaping somehow.

8. SD Card & USB Stick

I think most students carry USB sticks with them, it's just very handy when saving work. Since I do photography as a subject at college, an SD card is a necessity but also great when I'm out and about shooting. Just like the bobby pins, there's usually so many just piling up at the bottom of my bag.

8. Pencil Case

As a photography, English Language and English Literature student, there is never not a moment where I don't need a pen or some sort of writing/drawing material. I got this pencil case a couple of years ago in Wilkos.

9. Hand Cream

I think I wash my hands more than anyone ever should. I wash my hands before and after everything I do and they always end up feeling pretty dry. This is the Zoella Wonder Hand Mosturising Hand Cream and it's okay. I was using one that I picked up at TK Maxx which was my absolute fave but that ran out a few days ago and this is just my back up for now.

10. A Book (sometimes several)

I used to be a huge book worm but these days, I can't seem to find the time or patience to read. However, there are moments when I feel like reading and it's just very handy to have a book in my bag just so I'm not completely bored. I wanted to start reading more of the cult classics and I thought 1984 was a pretty good place to start. Since I'm a literature student, I'm usually carrying books that we're studying alongside whatever I'm reading in my own time too.

11. Sunglasses

I'm aware that currently in the UK, the mini Beast from the East has hit us and it's covered in snow outside, but sunglasses are such a perfect accessory for any and every outfit. It's just handy to have them in case the sun decides to come out of hiding or to complete my look for that particular day. These are some very cheap sunnies from Primark that I've had for years.

12. Glasses

So I'm a bit blind. I've been wearing glasses on and off since I was 3 and they're a necessity because I'm short sighted and can usually never see anything.  These have a very grandma vibe which is something I'm quite liking at the minute. These are from Specsavers.



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Dear 2018 | Zafira


Dear 2018,

2017 was a roller coaster of a year. I don't think I've ever been so upset but so happy but so disappointed and extremely overwhelmed all at once in my entire life. It's been a strange one but I'm very much ready for it to end.

I don't want to start this year off with a list of resolutions and things I need to fix from last year because let's be real, I'm never ever going achieve everything on my list. I'm not expecting a lot from this year, just the few important things that I feel will not only improve me as a person but my entire life in general.

I hope that you offer me a range of opportunities because I think I'm finally ready to live my life to fullest. I know this year will be challenging. It's my last year at college and I'll be sitting my exams in May (😭) and hopefully, if I get the grades I need, I'll be off to Uni in September which is insane. In my head, I still feel like I'm 10 years old but I'll be turning 18 this year and I'll be an adult. It's time to slowly grow up and let real life hit me and I'm ready for it.

I have this irrational fear of change but at the same time, I love change. I can't wait for it. I know that a lot of things will change this year, with my education, with family and much more but it's taken me a solid 17 years to accept that these changes are good. Even if they don't feel like it at the time, they'll make more sense as I grow older and learn to understand how if they didn't occur, I wouldn't be where I am right now.

I spent a lot of time in 2017 wasting away my hours, contemplating over things that didn't matter at all and a lot of staring at the ceiling and listening to Kanye's 'The Life of Pablo' all night until the early hours of dawn hit. That's all about to change, I love you Kanye but I think it's about time I sort out my sleeping schedule and spend my time on things that will have positive outcomes. I'm ready to work hard for what I want and I'm extremely determined to tick off many goals on my list this year.

I hope you are sweet to me and I hope that time spent with my family and friends this year are so heart warming that my heart over heats and feels like it's going explode every time I with them. I haven't been a very good friend or family member this year, in some ways, I feel like I've neglected everyone close to me. But, I'm working on myself and I think it's finally hit hard how much my loved ones do for me. I want to make my family and friends proud and be there for them. I want them to feel a sense of warmth and comfort when they are around me.

My camera and art supplies became a little dusty this year. I hadn't been as devoted to capturing photographs and creating art as much as I would have liked to mainly out of pure laziness. It's been harder to create art over the past couple of months, the only time I feel a little spurt of creativity is during class and I feel this overwhelming urge to doodle. I want to desperately work on this year, I want to be the artsy fartsy child I was a long time ago. I know she's hiding deep inside me somewhere. I captured a lot of memories this year on film. I'm in love with my Canon EOS 300 but I feel as if I haven't spent enough time with it in my hands. Capturing memories has been fun but I know that there's so much more out there for me to document and capture. There's so much going on in the world that so so so many people don't see. I want to change this. I want to take a series of images so eye opening that it changes the way people think and see. I'm done with all this tumblr-y stuff that people expect of me when they see my work, it's not what I want to do anymore. I want my work to have more meaning.

I want to spend more time on here. I love writing. It's something that feels so natural so to avoid it and not spend anytime doing it feels wrong and uncomfortable. It'll be hard to find the time to put in but I will find time and make this my own little cute personal space on the vast web. I've done this place up a little bit and found a name I quite like, 'Zafira Ahmed' seemed a bit too plain Jane. I really like this new name.

Charles Buckowski said "I was waiting for something extraordinary to happen, but as the years wasted on nothing ever did unless I caused it" and I intend to live by this everyday this year. In 2017, I felt bored with my life, it seemed as if the days were all blending together, there was no difference between them. I want to do exciting things, big or small. I want to be spontaneous and not live by a structured day to day schedule.

2018, please go slowly. I feel like my whole life is flashing before my eyes already when I've barely just hit 17. I want to enjoy every aspect of my life so thoroughly and vividly that the memories stay with me forever. Whether these memories are good or bad, I'm ready to experience them.

Yours sincerely,




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Christmas Gift Guide 2017 | Zafira


Hi and welcome to my blog!

It's insane how fast this year has gone, it's already November and I can feel the Christmas spirit starting to kick in. The atmosphere around this time of year is so lovely and I spend all year just waiting for it. I don't really celebrate Christmas but me and my family do love to do a game of Secret Santa and I love receiving and giving gifts to my friends. Sometimes I really struggle on what to get to get people, it can be quite hard trying to find the perfect git but don't fret! I'm here to help with my ultimate Christmas Gift Guide!

1. Makeup Gift Sets (for the wannabe beauty gurus in your life)

I don't want to stereotype most women and shove this in there but it genuinely is something that most women will love. When buying sets, try to stick to popular and well known brands with a range of various products.

Here's a few that are looking quite good this year:

  • Makeup Revolution Makeup Set - This is very nicely priced is quite good for younger teens who like experimenting with makeup. It has everything you'd need for a full face of makeup.

  • Yves Saint Laurent Lip Gift Set - This would be pretty cute for someone special like a wife or girlfriend. YSL is quite an expensive designer brand but the quality is amazing.

  • NYX Matte vs Metals Vault - I've seen so so so many of these around and these would be perfect for anyone who loves makeup, you get such a great selection of lip shades.

2. Perfume and Candles (for the people that smell in your life)

Everyone likes to smell nice, it's nice to be somewhere that smells nice too. Here's a range of perfumes and candles that are smelling nice this year:

  • Glossier You Perfume - This is great for those trendy girls out there that like to keep up with stuff going on in the social media world. Glossier is a pretty minimal brand but I smelt a tester of this and it's so so so good. It's a perfect stocking stuffer or a small gift for someone cute (like me)

  • Yankee Candles - You could buy a Yankee Candle for anyone really, they have a vast range of scents and everyone loves a good candle.

  • Snowella Fragrance Gift Set - When I was a lot younger, I loved Zoella and this gift set would be perfect for any teen.

3. Jewelry (for the blingy people in your life)

I know this again is quite a stereotypical gift but these are some great places to get some cool and unique pieces:

  • Piccolina Jewelry - I found this company because they sell a lot of their pieces at COW in Manchester and I've always thought that they'd make such pretty gifts.They're good for anyone that likes to dress indie or even a bit hippie. I think I might have to get myself a few pieces from here soon...

  • Accessorize Jewelry - I love the jewelry from Accesorize and it's a really good gift to give anyone. They have a vast range of pieces to chose from so there's bound to be something you can find as a gift. I quite like the Z collection as they have a lot of dainty, everyday pieces.

4. Wallets/Purses (for the people who's wallets and purses are hanging on for dear life)

This is such an easy but great gift idea. Everyone needs a place to put their cards and money and the best place I've found to get a range of different ones is at

TK Maxx

. They have a bunch of designer ones too that cost no where near their actual retail price and they'll make a wonderful and practical gift.

5. Bags (for the people that have too much stuff to carry in your life)

I appreciate a handy bag much like many others. I think for the special people in your life it's worth getting something that you know will last a long time.

  • MAHI Leather have a range of bags to suit whoever you're buying the bag for. They're maid to order with full grain cow leather and are up to 50% cheaper than other high street prices. It'll make the perfect gift as you can get the bag with personalised embroidery and a cotton dust cover to protect the bag. Not only will it make a great gift but $1.50 from every bag is donated to the FRANK Water Charity so you'll be helping to fund clean water in India and Nepal.

  • TK Maxx have such a wide variety of designer bags at such an affordable price compared to the retail price and is one of the best places to buy a bag as a gift or simply for yourself. I buy bags from here all the time because they have any style you could possibly want and everyone loves a good designer bag at a discount price.

  • Accessorize are not just amazing at jewelry but they have the prettiest of bags. I really adore their clutch bags as they're perfect for so many occasions and would make a great gift for anyone who enjoys a good night out. They also have a range of travel, day, totes and much more to help you find something that fits the style of the person you want to gift it to!

6. Terrariums (for the plant loving millennials in your life)

I like a good terrarium. I think they're super cute and perfect for anywhere in the house. Whilst browsing for some gifts, I found this super cool

DIY terrarium

which would be a super cute gift for anyone.

7. Retro Games (for the gaming nerds in your life)

I was browsing around in Urban Outfitters the other day and I came across the most amazing thing ever. It was a little mini Tamagotchi style toy which made me have a little epiphany and realise that little gadgets like that could be such an amazing gift.

Here are some pretty cool ones that make me feel like the 90s kid I never was:

8. Neon Lights (for the people that need you to

light up their world like nobody else


Ornaments are a quite a nice gift to give but sometimes, you just need something with a little more life. I have always felt like I've needed a neon flamingo light in my room and in my late night window shopping sesh, I found such a good Christmas gift along with a couple of other amazing gifts.

Make sure to follow me on social media to stay updated!

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How to Stay Organised | Zafira



The most difficult thing I find about being at college is definitely trying to stay organised. It can get pretty messy with the work load and trying to manage some sort of system that helps you get everything done. But I'm in my second year of college and I've finally found a few tips that have really helped me stay on track!

1. Move out of your soft office.


We all love our beds. I love mine dearly and I think I spend the majority of my life in my bed. However, when you're working, the last thing you want to be is chill and sleepy. Separate your bed from your work life, it'll make your bed more of the sanctuary and place of rest that it's supposed to be rather than a place of work. It's a really hard move to make but it will definitely help you stay focused whilst working.

2. Make sure your work place is clean, minimal and tidy.


I have only just started to use my desk properly this year and I wish I would have used it sooner. I used to use it as a place to dump all my crap such as books but this year I though I'd tidy it up and make it a decent place to work. Wherever you're working should be clean and tidy, try and move things that are distracting away from your work area and keep it as minimal as possible. As they say 'tidy desk, tidy mind' and it's 100% true.

3. Pack your bag the night before.


I used to pack my bag the morning of school but ever since I've started college, I've been doing it the night before and it's saved me so so so much time in the morning. Give yourself about 15 minutes the night before school, college or uni to pack all your essentials just so you're completely ready for the day. This bag is from River Island btw and I think I've been using it for like 4 years now. I'm very surprised it's even lasted this long. 

5. Plan your outfits the night before.


This is sort of on the same lines as packing your bag the night before. It will save you so much more time in the morning to fully prepare yourself for a day in hell but at least this way you'll be looking extra cute even though you're in pain. This jumper is from Bershka and is the comfiest thing I own. It isn't available anymore but you can buy a very very similar one here:

6. Keep a copy of your timetable at home & a calendar to fill in for the month.


Keeping a copy of your timetable at home is pretty useful especially when it comes to knowing what lessons you have, when work is due and what to pack for the day. On my timetable, I've colour coordinated my lessons so when I fill in my diary/planner or my to do list, I use that certain colour so I know it's associated with that certain subject. Usually I'd just make my own on Word but this time I just printed a couple off Google Images, there's a lot of different cute ones. Calendar wise, print one that has boxes for everyday of the month so you can fill in what work is due and important dates. The most satisfying thing to do at the end of the day is to put a nice big red 'x' through that day's box.

7. Get a diary/planner.


A planner or diary for the year is a necessity. Not only do they help keep you organised but they're so much fun to shop for since they come in so many different styles, designs and structures. I got mine from TK Maxx and it's A6 sized so it's so easy to take with me everyday. I fill in everything in here, whether it's homework, university associated stuff or even appointments. I love cats.

8. Make lists of everything you need to do.


My friend Cherie bought me a couple of these cute notebooks whilst she was on holiday and they've been amazingly handy. I like making lists. Whatever the situation is, I'll most likely make a list whether it's a pro or cons or a list of stuff to take on holiday or in this case, a list of work I need to do. Usually I'll make one for the week and one for the weekend. This notebook is quite handy since at the top it has little section to fill in the date so you know what you're on but just any notebook will do or you can even get yourself a to do list pad.

9. Post stick notes are your best friends.


I don't think I would have even survived my first year without these. I stick these e v e r y w h e r e. I am an organised person because of these. I use them to write down important work that's due, to highlight sections I need to revise in books, important areas in books, the list is honestly endless. They will be your saviour for the rest of your life in education.

I hope this gave you a few ideas on how to get your life somehow together, don't worry if it isn't perfectly organised, mine isn't and I can assure you that no one else's is 100% organised either 😏

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Starting a Bullet Journal | Zafira

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Hi and welcome to this weeks blog post!

My exams are done, I am a free woman (kinda) and I am very ready to start working on my own stuff so expect more blog posts and a lot more photographs on my Instagram. I also wanted to wish everyone who's fasting a very late Ramadan Mubarak!

Since about February/March time, I really wanted to put my life into order. It was getting to the point where I wasn't even sure what day it was and everything I was doing was rushed and just not what I wanted it to be especially when it came to college work. I started researching different methods and ways to organise my life when I came across this whole bullet journal trend. It took me 2 minutes of watching people's monthly bullet journal 'plan with me' vids and I was completely hooked with the entire concept of it. If you want to watch the original bullet journal video to get a grasp of what it is and some basic ways to start one click here.

So it's a basically a place to dump all your crap that for me is usually written on scrap pieces of paper or on the back of my hand. It's such an efficient method to plan and organise because everything is one place and you can design and customise it to fit you.

Firstly, you need to find yourself a decent notebook or sketchbook. You can pretty much get anything you like but I got a pretty minimal and basic sketchbook from Paperchase:

The quality of the paper is so nice and smooth and the ink from pens and felt tips doesn't sink through to the other side which is amazing. As you can see, I personalised mine by using some stickers also from Paperchase that I thought were quite cute and funky and wrote 2017 in a white pen to contrast the black.

For the supplies that I used within the journal, I feel like I kept it pretty basic compared because that's just how I like things.

To be quite honest, I only bought these because they came in a pretty nifty case and said 'go bananas' on each individual felt tip but they're actually pretty good. As stated, they're brush tip markers so one end is a brush tip which is really good if you're into calligraphy and doing fancy titles in your journal and then the other end is a normal felt tip end. Each month I pick a colour and base the main colours around that.

I feel like everyyyyyone owns these but they're so handy. I use them for revision notes all the time because there's a really nice range of colours. They're also good for doodling so if you want to decorate the pages in your book then these are a great place to start stationary wise.

Post stick notes are my literal saviors. I write everything on these. For my journal, I bought some smaller cute pastel ones that you can pretty much get anywhere and since I've had exams over the past few weeks, I'll use them to list everything I have to do. They're great for adding extra notes into your bullet journal.

This pen has honestly changed my life and the way I write. That sounds like the lamest thing anyone could ever say lol but it really has. This is the Uniball Eye Needle pen in black and it writes so so so smoothly on the pages of the bullet journal and just in general. It makes writing more pleasurable and joyful especially when you're sat in an exam and you're writing page after page. The thing I love about this pen the most is that it doesn't smudge at all because it dries so fast.

Stickers have been my pride and joy recently. I'm really making myself sound like a complete loser but that's mainly because I am but I love love love stickers. These are all from Paperchase because I haven't really seen anywhere else do such a diverse and unique range of stickers. They are good to decorate your journal pages with and add a little bit of life to your weekly spreads.

this isn't completed yet lol

When it comes to structuring and laying out what pages you want included in your journal it can be quite difficult but I hope that after showing you what I've done so far, it will inspire you.

A future log is a pretty good first double page spread. An index is also another good idea but I didn't really want one in mine because my journal is quite simplistic but if you're thinking of adding a lot more pages to your book it might be worth considering. On the first page I did a basic calendar and circled the important dates.

On the second page, I listed everything that was occuring in those months and colour coordinated the bullet points depending on what kind of occurance it was. I made a key at the top of the page just so I remember what each colour is for.

I feel like a new year's resolution page is a necessity as you can always look back onto this page and see what you are doing and what you can do in order to achieve them.

For a lot of titles I used my normal handwriting as it's naturally pretty cursive and fancy shmancy.

Also can we just appreciate those little green leaves around the edges that I doodled on. I'm not the greatest drawer for an art student but those leaves are cute.

This is such a great page to have in your journal too. It's really handy when you have an overwhelming amount of films, books and TV shows to conquer but you don't know where to begin. Listing them all out in a similar way can help you decide what you want to watch first and you can cross them off as you complete them.

I still have an absurd amount of stuff to add to this.

For title pages for each month I've been keeping it super simplistic mainly because I've not really had enough time to sit and make it really nice and pretty but when I have time this summer I'm definitely going to back and finish them off. This is one I did for April but as you can see, it looks a bit plain and meh.

Each month I do a little banner of every page with the month and year.

These are the next pages after my monthly title page and it just lays out everything that needs to be done for that particular month as well as the events that are going to happen.

My tracking pages are probably my most favourite page to do monthly because it's fascinating to see the progress. The two trackers I do every month is a mood tracker and a sleep tracker because my sleeping schedule is a mess as you can clearly see. My mood tracker was quite low this month mainly because I had exams and they were a big pain in the backside.

This is quite good if you have insomnia or your sleeping schedule is a complete and utter mess much like mine, you can see how long you've slept or not slept.

This is another must for me since I'm trying to get better with handling my money. You make three coloums consisting of the date you bought the item, the item itself and the price and then at the end of the month you total it all up to see how much you've spent.

As for my weekly spread, this is what I've been using since I started my bullet journal and it's worked so well. It's pretty much the typical planner layout but it's perfect if you have a lot of stuff going on. I think for the month of June however, I might switch it up since I won't have as much to do and it'll be fun to experiment with different layouts!

I decorated the top using stickers but you can add doodles like I've done for the month of May below.

I know that for the original bullet journal there's a whole system where different symbols represent different things but like I've said, I like to keep it pretty simple and quick so I just bullet point everything that needs to be done for that day or is occurring that day and when it's done I'll just cross it out in red.

Thanks for reading! Make sure to follow me on Instagram for updates and lots and lots of pictures as well as all my other social medias!

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