Fashion, Lifestyle Zafira Ahmed Fashion, Lifestyle Zafira Ahmed

The Ultimate Guide to Clearing Out Your Wardrobe | Zafira

I will admit, I have a lot of clothes and finding the perfect system to organise them has taken me a while but I think I’ve finally got the hang of it. I get a looooooot of questions anytime I post that I’m organising my wardrobe over on my Instagram stories so I thought I’d answer them all on here and add a few tips on how I keep my wardrobe organised and tidy.


waiting for everyone to get triggered by my mismatching hangers hehe

waiting for everyone to get triggered by my mismatching hangers hehe

I have a wardrobe that’s definitely on the smaller side and I always get questions on how I fit everything in it since I have a pretty hefty amount of clothes. A few years ago, I found that the best method to fitting everything into my wardrobe was by organising my wardrobe seasonally. Now, yes, I am very aware of the extremely bipolar weather in the UK so a good 70% of the time, the weather isn’t what it should be during a certain time of year but I like to keep a basic gist of what I would wear during the current season. For example:

  • Autumn: Light knit jumpers, shirts, thinner coats & jackets, midi skirts, turtle necks etc.

  • Winter: Heavy knit jumpers, bigger coats, thicker pants etc.

  • Summer: Cardigans, light weight jackets, culottes, jumpsuits, thinner material dresses etc.

  • Spring: Lighter coats & jackets, usually more thicker material dresses & light knit etc.

So you’re probably like, “where do you put your out of season clothes?” and the answer is pretty simple. In storage.

Your two new best friends after this post will be these big plastic storage bins and vacuum storage bags. You can get them in so many different sizes so they’re perfect for sliding under your bed, or or in drawers or if it’s something you’re not going to wear for a while then even the attic. It’s the best way for me to still have a range of clothes but not clutter and overfill my wardrobe. I get mine either from Ikea or Amazon, check some out here:



The first thing to do when organising your wardrobe is to begin by emptying everything in it. I think it really helps when you can visually see how much you own and makes it easier to decide what you want to keep or get rid of. A key tip to remember when doing this is to clear your wardrobe on a day when half your wardrobe isn’t in the wash. There’s nothing more devastating than thinking you’ve cleared your wardrobe and it looking all pretty and tidy just to realise you have a billion more pieces to fit in somehow.

3. create piles to organise what you want to keep or sell

When all my clothes are out of my wardrobe, I like to sort them into 3 piles different piles: keep, sell/donate & throw away. I have a rule where if I haven’t worn something in over 2 months, I have to get rid of it. This helps with filtering out clothes I don’t want and also makes more space for new purchases. If you’re someone like me and like to shop frequently, this is such a good rule to have because it allows you to add new pieces to your wardrobe without completely over filling it.

A few months ago, my cousin told me that she was keeping track of what she was wearing by keeping note of her outfits on her calendar app. Ever since she told me this it’s honestly changed by life. I can easily see what I have been wearing and it 100% has helped with clearing out my wardrobe too because I can see what isn’t being worn.

When it comes getting rid of clothes I no longer want, I will either donate them to closest charity shop or sell over on Depop.(follow me!) I’ve been using Depop for yeeaaaars now and I adore it. I sell everything on there and it’s played a massive role in helping keeping my wardrobe clear.


I think a lot of people forget about asking others for help but there’s nothing more fun clearing out your wardrobe with your friends. It’s very very useful to get a second or third opinion especially if you’re on the border about keeping something or not.


When you organise your wardrobe, of course you want it to look pretty in the end and want it to look like all those Pinterest pictures when the clothes are in rainbow order and all your clothes fade into the next piece and look very cute. However, when it comes to practicality, this method kinda sucks. Unless you’re a super duper organised person and always put everything back in it’s place straight after you’ve used it then I can promise you that this isn’t the method for you.

I’ve tried so many different methods over the years but the best one that’s worked for me is organising my clothes into what article of clothing they are. So I usually go from jackets/coats to Asian dresses to cardigans to jumpers to dresses to shirts and then to tops. Kind of a random order but this is what works for me at the minute. I also keep items I wear frequently towards the front of my wardrobe so they’re easier to get such as the jacket I’m wearing currently. Play around with different methods until you find one that fits in perfectly with you and your lifestyle.



Ultimately, the ideal way to keep your wardrobe clear is by shopping less which is much easier said than done. However with everything that’s going on now with fast fashion, I think it’s really important to try and make somewhat of an effort to stop impulsively shopping and buying things we don’t need just to then throw away when we no longer want it.

I try to remind myself that empty hangers don’t equal more reasons to shop and that I already have plenty of clothes to fit my everyday needs. I’m also trying to up-cycle a bunch of older pieces into things I would wear today. (blog post coming soon!)

Thanks for reading and good luck with clearing out your wardrobe!

Lots of love,

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