Photography, Lifestyle Zafira Ahmed Photography, Lifestyle Zafira Ahmed

My First Exhibition | Zafira



So a few days ago, I had my work exhibited for the very first time! As part of a group exhibition by me and my MA group, we showed off some work we did as part of an assignment last term under the theme ‘Collisions’.

I wasn’t planning on doing a blog post on this hence the non-blogger-last-minute-pictures but I thought it would be fun to explain more about the meaning and context behind my work and even a little bit about my working progress.


A lot of research went into this. It’s the first time I’ve completely finished a photography project, well when I say finished I mean have at least 90% satisfaction with the final product.

It all started off with family pictures from the 70-90s. I spend so much time flicking through family albums, I knew I had to use them in my project in someway or other.

The photographs that stood out most were definitely the portraits, especially the ones taken in studios. It’s crazy how my family used to go to a studio and get these regal, professional shots taken of them against the most extravagant backgrounds. My favourite had to be this one of my dad’s aunt and uncle which you’ll see eventually inspired the entire colour scheme of my project.

I also found myself delving quite deeply into theoretical concepts in photography, it might have been because I was taking a critical studies class at the time but I have always loved reading about anthropological concepts.

The main concept I focused on was Edward Soja’s theory of photographic space and its relation to this idea of the ‘other’. I was looking at the impact of the colonial gaze as well as Edward Said’s take on orientalism. I recommend looking into all these concepts because they give you such an clear understanding on how the West impacted colonised people, their countries and even their way of life post-colonisation.

(the faces are blurred out for privacy reasons and it’s watermarked because it’s from my dad’s very extensive family archive)



So I did quite a few test shoots for this, you might have seen a few of this pictures over on my Instagram but it was so much fun dressing up and shooting myself in different styles.

Ultimately, I knew I wanted to portray a balance between my two cultures; my Western life here in the UK but then also my roots back in Bangladesh and then also tie back in orientalism and it’s impact on my generation of Bangladeshis.

In these photographs you can see one very ‘modern’ style of South Asian style but then the other is a very traditional look. I knew after shooting these 2 different sets, that for my final, I’d want to represent both somehow.

My set up started off with my mum’s old sarees, I love a good classic katan saree. They’ve always felt so decadent to me. I loved the creases and the folds and the way that mirrored the folds in the clothing I was wearing. I liked how these turned out but it didn’t feel exciting enough to me.


These are my pre-final-set of images I guess you’d call them? Well those personally, gave me the ick towards myself as a photographer because of how hazy and foggy and messy they look but they were so pivotal in the creation of my final set so I had to include these in here. I was playing around with lens filters and different editing styles and it did not work out how I wanted to but at least now I had a clear image of what I wanted for my final set.

I wanted to go back to that family portrait and figure out how I could recreate the colours because that’s one thing that made me fall in love with it and the backdrop too. However. getting a backdrop anywhere close to the one in the original picture would have broke my bank account. I looked at other options too like printing a photograph of Bangladesh onto material and then using that but that too was just way out of my budget.

I was like okay, where can I get a large amount of fabric for cheap? And then it came to me, a bedsheet. I got this during the boxing day sales on Amazon for £7 and it’s amazing. It’s quite a matte material which was a gem not only photographing but even when it came to printing later on.


final project.

I ended refining my pre-final-set and made the quality much more clean and refined. I decided to focus on paan and the whole paan eating process as in a few of the pictures, you’ll see my skirt is actually printed in gold paan leaves. (my skirt is handmade!!!)

It fit into the whole “Lost in Tradition’ title because paan is something I eat a little too regularly after I’ve finished a meal. It’s a tradition I’ve carried on even though I’ve grown up around such a Western environment. I was playing around with the nut cracker in the pre-final set and it was pretty interesting having that contrast between the metal and the bright colours.

I shot this in my kitchen for optimal natural lighting in the 1 hour of bright light we get during the winter in the UK and it worked out so well. I found shooting slightly underexposed but with a medium or large raw file really malleable in my editing process. Yes, there was a some of noise because of this but it added some amazing texture and film like feel to the pictures.

If you press the ‘click here’ button on the image above, you can see all the photographs :)


Overall, I think I’m happy with how they turned out. The printing process was so cool too, I got my prints done at Come Through Lab in Ancoats and they did such a great job.

A big big thank you to everyone who came and saw my work whilst it was being exhibited. I don’t think I’ve ever truly felt like a real photographer until I saw other people looking at my work up on the walls.

Here’s me looking like a baby in front of my work.

I’ll be releasing some prints within the next week so keep an eye out over on Instagram if you want to get your hands on some!

Thanks for reading,

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Lifestyle Zafira Lifestyle Zafira

Starting a Bullet Journal | Zafira

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Hi and welcome to this weeks blog post!

My exams are done, I am a free woman (kinda) and I am very ready to start working on my own stuff so expect more blog posts and a lot more photographs on my Instagram. I also wanted to wish everyone who's fasting a very late Ramadan Mubarak!

Since about February/March time, I really wanted to put my life into order. It was getting to the point where I wasn't even sure what day it was and everything I was doing was rushed and just not what I wanted it to be especially when it came to college work. I started researching different methods and ways to organise my life when I came across this whole bullet journal trend. It took me 2 minutes of watching people's monthly bullet journal 'plan with me' vids and I was completely hooked with the entire concept of it. If you want to watch the original bullet journal video to get a grasp of what it is and some basic ways to start one click here.

So it's a basically a place to dump all your crap that for me is usually written on scrap pieces of paper or on the back of my hand. It's such an efficient method to plan and organise because everything is one place and you can design and customise it to fit you.

Firstly, you need to find yourself a decent notebook or sketchbook. You can pretty much get anything you like but I got a pretty minimal and basic sketchbook from Paperchase:

The quality of the paper is so nice and smooth and the ink from pens and felt tips doesn't sink through to the other side which is amazing. As you can see, I personalised mine by using some stickers also from Paperchase that I thought were quite cute and funky and wrote 2017 in a white pen to contrast the black.

For the supplies that I used within the journal, I feel like I kept it pretty basic compared because that's just how I like things.

To be quite honest, I only bought these because they came in a pretty nifty case and said 'go bananas' on each individual felt tip but they're actually pretty good. As stated, they're brush tip markers so one end is a brush tip which is really good if you're into calligraphy and doing fancy titles in your journal and then the other end is a normal felt tip end. Each month I pick a colour and base the main colours around that.

I feel like everyyyyyone owns these but they're so handy. I use them for revision notes all the time because there's a really nice range of colours. They're also good for doodling so if you want to decorate the pages in your book then these are a great place to start stationary wise.

Post stick notes are my literal saviors. I write everything on these. For my journal, I bought some smaller cute pastel ones that you can pretty much get anywhere and since I've had exams over the past few weeks, I'll use them to list everything I have to do. They're great for adding extra notes into your bullet journal.

This pen has honestly changed my life and the way I write. That sounds like the lamest thing anyone could ever say lol but it really has. This is the Uniball Eye Needle pen in black and it writes so so so smoothly on the pages of the bullet journal and just in general. It makes writing more pleasurable and joyful especially when you're sat in an exam and you're writing page after page. The thing I love about this pen the most is that it doesn't smudge at all because it dries so fast.

Stickers have been my pride and joy recently. I'm really making myself sound like a complete loser but that's mainly because I am but I love love love stickers. These are all from Paperchase because I haven't really seen anywhere else do such a diverse and unique range of stickers. They are good to decorate your journal pages with and add a little bit of life to your weekly spreads.

this isn't completed yet lol

When it comes to structuring and laying out what pages you want included in your journal it can be quite difficult but I hope that after showing you what I've done so far, it will inspire you.

A future log is a pretty good first double page spread. An index is also another good idea but I didn't really want one in mine because my journal is quite simplistic but if you're thinking of adding a lot more pages to your book it might be worth considering. On the first page I did a basic calendar and circled the important dates.

On the second page, I listed everything that was occuring in those months and colour coordinated the bullet points depending on what kind of occurance it was. I made a key at the top of the page just so I remember what each colour is for.

I feel like a new year's resolution page is a necessity as you can always look back onto this page and see what you are doing and what you can do in order to achieve them.

For a lot of titles I used my normal handwriting as it's naturally pretty cursive and fancy shmancy.

Also can we just appreciate those little green leaves around the edges that I doodled on. I'm not the greatest drawer for an art student but those leaves are cute.

This is such a great page to have in your journal too. It's really handy when you have an overwhelming amount of films, books and TV shows to conquer but you don't know where to begin. Listing them all out in a similar way can help you decide what you want to watch first and you can cross them off as you complete them.

I still have an absurd amount of stuff to add to this.

For title pages for each month I've been keeping it super simplistic mainly because I've not really had enough time to sit and make it really nice and pretty but when I have time this summer I'm definitely going to back and finish them off. This is one I did for April but as you can see, it looks a bit plain and meh.

Each month I do a little banner of every page with the month and year.

These are the next pages after my monthly title page and it just lays out everything that needs to be done for that particular month as well as the events that are going to happen.

My tracking pages are probably my most favourite page to do monthly because it's fascinating to see the progress. The two trackers I do every month is a mood tracker and a sleep tracker because my sleeping schedule is a mess as you can clearly see. My mood tracker was quite low this month mainly because I had exams and they were a big pain in the backside.

This is quite good if you have insomnia or your sleeping schedule is a complete and utter mess much like mine, you can see how long you've slept or not slept.

This is another must for me since I'm trying to get better with handling my money. You make three coloums consisting of the date you bought the item, the item itself and the price and then at the end of the month you total it all up to see how much you've spent.

As for my weekly spread, this is what I've been using since I started my bullet journal and it's worked so well. It's pretty much the typical planner layout but it's perfect if you have a lot of stuff going on. I think for the month of June however, I might switch it up since I won't have as much to do and it'll be fun to experiment with different layouts!

I decorated the top using stickers but you can add doodles like I've done for the month of May below.

I know that for the original bullet journal there's a whole system where different symbols represent different things but like I've said, I like to keep it pretty simple and quick so I just bullet point everything that needs to be done for that day or is occurring that day and when it's done I'll just cross it out in red.

Thanks for reading! Make sure to follow me on Instagram for updates and lots and lots of pictures as well as all my other social medias!

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Travel, Photography Zafira Travel, Photography Zafira

Exploring London: Portobello Market | Zafira

Hi guys and welcome to my blog!

SO we've finally come to the end of the London series. It only took me like 4 months. But anyway, we've reached my final and fave part which is Portobello Market! I'm a huge fan of anything vintage and antique and Portorbello was filled to the brim. I found so many amazing things and everything I saw was just beautiful.

Since we've come to the end of the London series I'd just like to thank my wonderful Auntie Mahmuda for being the best tour guide ever. I can't wait to come back to London and explore more exciting places!

Enjoy and remember to see all the pictures I took at Portobello Market, go visit my Flickr!

To keep up with what I am doing follow my other social media accounts: 

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Photography, Travel Zafira Photography, Travel Zafira

Exploring London: Victoria and Albert Museum | Zafira

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Hello and welcome to my blog!

Victoria and Albert Museum is the third part of my London series! It is such a pretty place with a range of different arts and designs. I was very intrigued by everything I saw and it is now one of my favourtie places in London. I highly recommend you to visit whenever you are in London.

To see all my pictures of the V&A Museum, head to my Flickr. The link will be at the end of this post :)

Sneaky song 1:

To keep up with what I am doing follow my other social media accounts: 

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Photography, Travel Zafira Photography, Travel Zafira

Exploring London: Saatchi Gallery | Zafira

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Hello and welcome to my blog!

This post is all about the Saatchi Gallery. It was one of my favourite places that I had ever visited. The art was so beautiful and moving. I also got a lot of inspiration for my own artwork.

*I'm very active now on my Instagram so follow to keep up to date with my blog! Link is the end of this post :)

On with the pictures!

To keep up with what I am doing follow my other social media accounts: 

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Photography, Travel Zafira Photography, Travel Zafira

Exporing London : Brick Lane | Zafira Ahmed


Hi guys and welcome to my blog!

So I spent a couple of days in London and took waaaaaaay too many pictures. I've decided to start a 4 part series here on my blog on my adventures in London. So keep up with my blog within the next few weeks as I'll be trying to put them up as soon :)

To see all the pictures head over to my Flickr. The link will be at the end of this post.

Here's a couple sneaky songs I've been loving: 

To keep up with what I am doing follow my other social media accounts: 

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