Music of the Month: August | Zafira
I’m not even going to address my absence from here because it’s becoming a little bit of pattern recently but all you need to know is that I’m back with some cool blog post ideas that I hope you’ll enjoy reading as much as I’ll enjoy creating them.
But first I thought we should start with what seems to be everybody’s favourite post to read, an August edition of the much beloved Music of the Month.
It’s been a beautiful month in the music world, for me anyway. I feel like everything I have been listening to these past few months was very ‘listen a few times and then never again’ kind of music but this month, I’ve found a few songs and artists that I know will forever be in my head and my life.
As always, you can check out my entire August playlist here.
Here’s a few other songs I’m also loving and that you should definitely check out:
If you ever want to send me some stuff you’re listening to at the minute then please go ahead, I love listening to new things.
Thanks for reading!