Photography Zafira Photography Zafira

Winter is Here! | Zafira

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The temperature has dipped and it's started to get a little more chilly here in Manchester. I was not at all expecting any snow this year, at least not until around March/April time but one gloomy Saturday morning, little white flakes fell from the clouds and covered little old Manchester in a white blanket of pretty snow. Even though I'm a summer baby, I adore the winter time. Especially when it snows! There's something quite admirable about frosty mornings and darker days. Also it means sweater weather! I live in sweaters or jumpers as we call them here. I took a couple of pictures around where I live as well as up in Derbyshire where the snow was a lot thicker and the weather was absolutely freezing. Enjoy!

I have no idea what happened here.

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Photography, Travel Zafira Photography, Travel Zafira

Exploring London: Victoria and Albert Museum | Zafira

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Hello and welcome to my blog!

Victoria and Albert Museum is the third part of my London series! It is such a pretty place with a range of different arts and designs. I was very intrigued by everything I saw and it is now one of my favourtie places in London. I highly recommend you to visit whenever you are in London.

To see all my pictures of the V&A Museum, head to my Flickr. The link will be at the end of this post :)

Sneaky song 1:

To keep up with what I am doing follow my other social media accounts: 

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Photography, Travel Zafira Photography, Travel Zafira

Exploring London: Saatchi Gallery | Zafira

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Hello and welcome to my blog!

This post is all about the Saatchi Gallery. It was one of my favourite places that I had ever visited. The art was so beautiful and moving. I also got a lot of inspiration for my own artwork.

*I'm very active now on my Instagram so follow to keep up to date with my blog! Link is the end of this post :)

On with the pictures!

To keep up with what I am doing follow my other social media accounts: 

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